Here’s a picture to announce a summer posting pause. We’re working hard on brilliant new features, for a relaunch in a few weeks. But meanwhile explore the archive – there’s stacks on the site now, and it’s almost all new stuff, not the versions you see on lots of illusion sites. Try putting the name of any illusion that interests you into the search box at the bottom of the lists to the right. Or explore popular categories, like Impossible Worlds. And don’t forget (if you’ve been here before) that there are now nearly a hundred brilliant mini illusions for you to download for your own sites.
This picture is a Photoshop fantasy rather an illusion, but it’s here because I like bubbles. I think the creature is a gecko, (please comment if I got that wrong). The background and sky is from the Nile in Egypt, but I snapped the gecko in the London Zoo. There’s an earlier post on how I photograph the bubbles. For all the bubble picture posts (and some nice ice) see the category Soap Bubble Pictures.
It is a bearded dragon. They can grow up to 24″ long (not including tail) and turn tan as the age, and eventually an off white.
Thanks for that Jeremy – I photo’d it in London Zoo, then lost the name.