Shepard’s Tables – what’s up?

This is an animation of Shepard’s Tables, an illusion first published by Roger Shepard as Turning the Tables, (see his wonderful book Mind Sights, 1990, pages 48 and 127-8). The left hand lozenge-shaped table top seems to get longer and thinner as it rotates, but it’s an illusion. It remains identical to the right hand table-top, except for rotation. The table-tops look even more different as the legs appear. The illusion is an example of size-constancy expansion – the illusory expansion of space with apparent distance. The receding edges of the tables are seen as if stretched into depth. Earlier posts on size-constancy showed how objects can appear wider with distance. That shows up with Shepard’s tables too, in the way that the oblique edges of the tables seem to get a bit wider apart with distance. The stretch into depth is more striking.

Recently Lydia Maniatis pointed out a puzzling aspect of the illusion, in her prize-winning entry for the Illusion of the Year Competition. Here’s a version of her figure.

Lydia Maniatis's Shepard's Tables puzzle

All three table tops are identical, but the middle one looks different from the one on the left, though it’s not even rotated. Instead the vertical axis of the figure is shown at an angle to gravitational vertical. That means that the blue edges are no longer aligned with the frontal plane of the image, as to the left, even though they are horizontal on the page, but must be receding into distance. And yet we don’t see the dramatic stretch into depth that appears with oblique edges that recede into distance. Why not?  Try looking at the middle block with your head leaning over to the left, so that the short edges are aligned with your head, and therefore with the vertical axis of your field of view.  Now (for me) the blue edges do stretch into depth, though not as much as in the right hand image viewed normally.

What do you think is going on?  I’ll take a shot at an explanation in a post in a couple of days.

A (partly) fake demo of Pulfrich’s Pendulum

To view this illusion, you’ll need the knack of viewing 3D picture pairs without special spectacles, or a viewer – that is, by viewing them cross-eyed. If you haven’t got that trick, and want to try, start with one of our earlier posts on 3D.

If you do have the knack of viewing 3D pictures cross-eyed OK, you should see the pendulum apparently swinging in a circle. It’s MEANT to be a web-based demo of a famous pendulum effect you can fairly easily rig up in real life. It’s called Pulfrich’s pendulum, after researcher Carl Pulfrich, who published it in 1922.  (NB!  Faulty videos replaced at 31/10/15)

Here’s how it should work in real life. You hang up a pendulum, say two meters long, but so that it can only swing from side to side – it must not be free to swing backwards and forwards at all. (Details below on a low-tech way of doing that). You place a reference object under the pendulum, (I use a candle stick), so that the swinging pendulum just misses it, right at the mid-point of the swing. Then you view the swinging pendulum head on, but with a dark filter over one eye. All being well, you should see a really vivid illusion: the pendulum appears to swing not just from side to side, but in a circle. So it seems to swing alternately in front of, and then behind, the centre point marked by the reference object.

So why is my on-screen version here a fake? Read on to find out.


The effect, in a real life demo, seems to arise because the brain takes longer to process the filtered, darker signal coming via one eye. The position of the pendulum at each moment therefore appears slightly different in each eye. The effect mimics the signal that would reach the brain if the distance of the pendulum from the eye was varying cyclically. The brain therefore infers that the pendulum is most probably swinging in a circle.

I thought it might be possible to imitate the real life effect with an animated stereo pair like the one below, but with one image much darker than the other. In fact, I now doubt it’s possible. Although on a screen one image can appear much darker than another, the strength of the apparent contrast is illusory. Measure the difference between the luminance from the lighter and darker images on-screen and it won’t be much. We see a strong contrast, because of the brain’s power to adapt to different levels of contrast. The difference in luminance from a real scene viewed with and without a dark filter will be far greater. But I thought it might work, and I tried the animation with every trick I could think of. And then suddenly I seemed to have got it. I was REALLY pleased with myself. I could even SEE the darker image as slightly delayed.

It was only the next day that I realised that what I’d done was accidentally to introduce a REAL time difference between the images, instead of an illusory one, arising from the difference in brightness of the pictures. Working in the animation software, (I use After Effects), I’d accidentally nudged an on-screen slider just a millimetre out of position. So what you are seeing here DOES demonstrate that it’s the timing difference that produces the 3D effect with Pulfrich’s pendulum, but you’re NOT seeing an illusory time difference due to brightness contrast. What you are also seeing is how easy it is to fool yourself (me anyway) when playing around with illusion effects.

There’s a really good Wikipedia entry on this effect, complete with details of some amazing 1990’s movie and TV uses of it, done with massive distributions of special specs!

Fancy trying to set up a pendulum yourself?

Fixing up a Pulfrich pendulum might be a bit tricky at home, but should be no great problem for a school science department. Here’s one low-tech design for a support armature that will only allow a pendulum to swing from side to side, within a plane, and not into depth.  The support also avoids unnecessary friction, so that the pendulum swings for longer once set in motion.

Support armature for a Pulfrich pendulum

The only other tricky part can be getting the dark filters, for one eye to look through.  I believe sun glasses are usually not dark enough.  I used dark the coloured acetate sheets usually supplied as colour filters for theatrical lighting. They should be available from a local theatre company (only a lens sized piece is needed) or a theatrical supplier.  It’s a stunning demo!

If you wanted to experiment with animated versions, they do have one other virtue. You can get an idea of just how long the time lag has to be, in order for the illusion to appear. I found that with animations running at thirty frames a second, the lag could be no more than one frame! More than that and the two images of the pendulum remained separate. I guess with more frames per second, it would be possible to narrow down the time lag, but the maximum would seem to be about 30 milliseconds.

Illusion animated cartoons

The world of illusion as you’ve never seen it before:

Here’s the first of a series of half minute or so optical illusion animated cartoons… also available as a Quicktime Movie.

This cartoon features a new version of the well-known rotating heads illusion.

And here’s the second …. also available as a Quicktime Movie.

This cartoon features two kinds of ambiguous images. One is the famous Duck/rabbit illusion and the other a new ambiguous image, first seen on this site, the mask/skull illusion.

More cartoons to follow over the next few weeks, along with illusion posts as last year.

Trompe L’oeil Exhibition

If you’ve visited this site before, you may remember a wonderful Trompe-L’Oeil painting of a boy escaping through a window, by a Spanish artist called Del Caso.

You can see that painting this winter, if you have a chance to be in Florence, Italy. It will be in an exhibition called Art and Illusion, Masterpieces of Trompe L’oeil from Antiquity to the Present Day. It’s on at the Palazzo Strozzi from October 16th 2009 to Jan 24th 2010. If you have a chance to go, I’d recommend booking a ticket in advance if possible. Florence tends to be packed all year, and queues can be endless. (unless you go just before Christmas!).

Here’s another wonderful image in the show.
Cabinet trompe l'oeil by Domenico Remps

(This image may be subject to copyright. I try only to use images on this site that you can freely download and use for non-commercial purposes. However in this case it may only be fair use to reproduce the image in publicity for the exhibition)

Amazingly, this is not a painting! It’s a picture made of a mosaic of tiny slivers of inlaid stone. It was done about four hundred years ago by Flemish artist Domenico Remps, and usually it lives in a small institution in Florence called the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

The subject is a so-called cabinet of curiosities. These were little display collections of natural and artistic curiosities, placed in specially made cabinets by wealthy collectors between four and three hundred years ago. They went out of fashion as collections of such things became too large and specialised for a small cabinet, but they are the ancestors of today’s museums.

Trompe L’oeil is french for Trick the Eye. The idea of pictures in this style is to be so realistic that, ideally, viewers might be deceived into not realising that they were looking at a picture rather than the real thing.

Summer posting pause

Desert Bubble

Here’s a picture to announce a summer posting pause.  We’re working hard on brilliant new features, for a relaunch in a few weeks.  But meanwhile explore the archive – there’s stacks on the site now, and it’s almost all new stuff, not the versions you see on lots of illusion sites.  Try putting the name of any illusion that interests you into the search box at the bottom of the lists to the right.  Or explore popular categories, like Impossible Worlds.  And don’t forget (if you’ve been here before) that there are now nearly a hundred brilliant mini illusions for you to download for your own sites.

This picture is a Photoshop fantasy rather an illusion, but it’s here because I like bubbles. I think the creature is a gecko, (please comment if I got that wrong). The background and sky is from the Nile in Egypt, but I snapped the gecko in the London Zoo. There’s an earlier post on how I photograph the bubbles.  For all the bubble picture posts (and some nice ice) see the category Soap Bubble Pictures.

How to do tessellations – animated demo


Just about our first post was a tessellation tutorial. It was quite comprehensive, but a bit heavy going. I’ve been wanting to post an animated demo, because I reckon that seeing that first would make the tutorial much easier to follow. So the animation is below, but first, a reminder of the basics:

A tessellation is a pattern like the one above. The cells of the pattern fit together like jig-saw pieces, with no gaps and no overlaps. You can’t make a pattern like that out of just any old shape. It only works with shapes whose edges can be snipped into pairs of segments with special properties. The two segments in each pair must be indentical, except that they may be either reflections of one another, or rotated in relation to one another, like the hands of an old-fashioned clock. Confused already? Just watch this animation, showing the evolution of the pattern above, and you’ll see how it all works.

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An Ocean Wave Illusion

Moving waves illusion

If you can see this illusion, you may be amazed to discover it’s not an animation.  Most people will see waving movement, yet the pattern of lozenges is not really moving at all. But about 5% of people just don’t see this kind of illusion, and if that’s you, it doesn’t mean anything’s wrong. If you do see the movement, it won’t be wherever in the pattern you focus, but in the periphery of your field of view. However, the effect is also very sensitive to size.  I see it vividly with the screen about 15 inches (36 cms) from my eyes, and the image 8 inches (21.5 cms) wide on the screen, but I think you’ll get an even better effect by clicking on the image, if a bigger version then comes up on your system.

It’s a kind of illusion only discovered in the last few years. Lots of discoveries about it have been made by Japanese researcher Akiyoshi Kitaoka, and on his site (amongst scores of other stunning illusions) you’ll find his masterpiece in this line, his famous rotating snakes illusion.  Update 4/9/12!  I just found out that the image I based this picture on is also one of Kitaoka’s.  I just changed it to make the pattern more wavy.

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Dotty Poggy? Or Dotty Me?

Dotty variants on the Poggendorff illusion

Upper left is the classic Poggendorff figure:  the oblique lines are objectively aligned, but the upper one appears shifted just a bit to the left. There are lots of variants on this illusion. For example, about forty years ago, researcher Stanley Coren showed that the effect persists, weakly, when the configuration is reduced to dots, as at upper middle. And top right is another variant, the Poggendorff-Without-Parallels: the misalignment effect persists, weakly, in two objectively aligned segments even without the long parallel inducing lines. Most researchers have found that this last effect is greatest when the test arms are at an angle of around 22 degrees from vertical. An analogous affect shows up when they are rotated the same amount form horizontal.

To my eye, the Poggendorff-Without-Parallels effect even appears when the little test line segments are reduced just to dots, as shown lower left. Imagine joining up each of the three pairs of dots with the isolated dot, so that we end up with three triangles. If we then drop a vertical line from the isolated dot to the middle pair of dots, it will pass through the mid-point in between them, as diagrammed in yellow to the right.  So the middle triangle of dots has sides of equal length, or is equilateral, as the geometers call it, and that’s just how it looks.  No surprises so far.  But now here’s the interesting bit. The two other triangles of dots, rotated respectively clockwise and anti-clockwise from vertical, remain objectively equilateral, but that’s not how I see them.  For me they now look more like right-angles triangles, as diagrammed with yellow lines to the right.  The effect suggests a shift in apparent position of the right hand pair of dots, (rotated anti-clockwise about 22 degrees from vertical), just about equivalent to the shift we seem to see in the Poggendorff-Without-Parallels, shown above it at top right.  There’s an equivalent shift for me in the pair of dots rotated around 22 degrees from horizontal.

It would be really useful to have comments on whether that works for you, or whether for you the rotated dot arrays still present equilateral triangle arrangements.  Illusions like these often do look different to different observers, and it’s also all to easy, once you have a theory about what’s going on, to see things the way your theory says they should look.

11 June 2012:  This is a revision of the original post.  It included a 3D demo of the dotty effect, but with triangles of dots that turned out not to be truly equilateral….  Woops.

Adelbert Ames II

This is a variant on one of the famous demonstrations devised by USA born Adelbert Ames II, the Ames Window.  Watch the name Adelbert rotate, and it just goes around clockwise.  So does its shadow.  But then watch the name Ames II rotate.  At a certain point, it changes direction, and starts to rotate anti-clockwise. At that point, I find I can see the shadow of Ames II go around either way.

The change in direction appears because what’s rotating is not the name Ames II as it would usually appear on a page, but a perspective view of it. It’s receding into the distance with the A end nearer to us, and large, and the II end further away, and smaller. But that means that as the name rotates, at a certain point the smaller end starts to get nearer to us, and the larger end further away. That’s so contrary to anything that ever happens in everyday vision that our brains won’t accept it.  The instant the smaller end of the name tries to swing past the point at which it would be nearer to us than than the large end, the rotation appears to reverse.  The reversal looks a bit odd, but that’s a price our brains seem happy to pay, if it keeps the large and small ends of the name looking like they’re where they should be.

If my attention is on the Ames II bit of the image, in my periphery strange things also start to happen to the Adelbert bit.  When Ames II changes direction it seems to pull Adelbert around with it.  That’s OK for the first quarter turn, when the letters of Adelbert are seen as if from the back. But once they swing round to a front view, there’s a conflict and I’m not quite sure which way it’s turning.

The demo is just about the opposite of the earlier post with the figure of Mercury rotating.  In that demo, the rotation of the silhouette is ambiguous.  There’s nothing ambiguous about the Ames demo:  the lettering enforces one direction of rotation at any point, even if the result requires an about turn.

There’s a brilliant online demo of the window version with a commentary , and also with a visually baffling added feature, by psychologist Richard Gregory.

Illusions and visual special effects – explanations and tutorials